The Cardio Oncology Society of Southern Africa

Home Team Dr Ronwyn Van Eeden

Dr. Ronwyn van Eeden is a Medical Oncologist in private practice in Rosebank, Johannesburg. She was previously an honorary consultant in Medical Oncology at the Chris Hani Academic hospital and previously an honorary lecturer in the department of internal medicine at Wits.

She is currently an associate editor of the Journal of Thoracic Oncology.

She currently serves on the executive committee for BIGOSA (Breast Interest Group of South Africa) and COSOSA (Cardio Oncology Society of Southern Africa) and was a previous executive committee memeber for SASMO (South African Society of Medical Oncology.)

Dr. van Eeden and has several peer review journal publications, presents at many local and international meetings and symposia and serves on local advisory boards.

She has a special interest in breast and lung cancer and precision oncology.